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Charitable giving Julius Talvik Charitable giving Julius Talvik

Genius Loci

The principal challenge of branding a memorial to something that did not just come to a violent end but to one that may well have been the definitive starting point of the current historical era, was to time travel and re-discover the hope and aspiration the World Trade Center development represented to anyone that remembers the time before tragedy.

Inspired by the photography of a long-time Manhattan resident, designer and photographer Charles H. Moretz, Jr., the Genius Loci visual identity is first and foremost guided by the literal and philosophical pillars of light the twin structure embodied, but also borrows from the optimism and vibrancy represented by the cool blue sky that it so memorably pierced during its reign as a signature element of the New York City skyline for decades of growth and prosperity.

Icon for social media and other shorthand uses.

Icon for social media and other shorthand uses.

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The vertical orientation of the stationery was chosen to purposely echo the skyward silhouette of the towers.

The vertical orientation of the stationery was chosen to purposely echo the skyward silhouette of the towers.

The website serves as the primary point of presence and contact with an integrated fundraising module.

The website serves as the primary point of presence and contact with an integrated fundraising module.

“The Spirit of the Place” - a book published by ORO Editions of the photographs featured in the planned memorial.

“The Spirit of the Place” - a book published by ORO Editions of the photographs featured in the planned memorial.

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